Seattle Mama Doc Podcast
/I love podcasts and now enjoy getting stuck in Seattle traffic as it allows me more time to stay current on all my subscriptions. I just recently discovered the Mama Doc Podcast - a parenting and health podcast hosted by a local Seattle mom and doctor. Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson is also the Executive Director of Digital Health for Seattle Children’s Hospital and a news reporter for NBC KING5 in Seattle. You can find this free podcast on ITunes and subscribe to its bimonthly feed.
Great topics from teens and e-cigarettes to information about the recent mumps outbreak around several communities to advice on screen time for kids of all ages. These podcasts vary in time from 5-15 minutes with two of her longer and highly rated episodes on ADHD - offering parenting tips and how to recognize ADHD signs in children.
Do you have a favorite podcast? What about one about Seattle? I'd love to hear about it and add to my podcast list.